Asphalt Shingles Roofing Material

Asphalt Shingles are still one of the best roofing materials out there today. Most homeowners don’t spend a lot of time thinking about their roof. As long as it’s not leaking or obviously damaged, there is little reason to think about your roof or the materials it is made from. However, when it comes time for repairs or replacement, you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you have to learn about roof materials and make decisions about the construction of your roof.

To help homeowners gain a better understanding of the options they have, we would like to take some time to inform you about one of the most common roofing materials there is: asphalt shingles. In this post, we are going to take a closer look at asphalt shingles, the pros and cons of this material and what you can expect regarding lifespan and maintenance.

asphalt shingles roof

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Pros and Cons of Asphalt Shingles

While the choice between fiberglass or organic shingles can depend on the situation, they have many of the same pros and cons. The following are a few of the pros and cons of asphalt shingles:


  • It is a low cost material
  • They are easier to install
  • Faster repairs and replacements
  • A durable material that lasts a long time
  • They are recyclable
  • A good variety of color options


  • Can get damaged during cold weather installation
  • Can get damaged by severe weather
  • Heavy wind can lift the tiles off the roof
  • Old shingles can decay

Types of Asphalt Shingles

The first thing you need to know about asphalt shingles is that there are two different types. You have your organic asphalt shingles and there are fiberglass asphalt shingles. With the organic shingles, you have an organic base material (paper, felt, recycled cardboard) which is treated with asphalt and topped with granules. With the fiberglass shingles, the mat is made from fiberglass that is held together with a resin. It is treated with asphalt and it also has the granules.

The asphalt is used in both types of shingles because it creates a water-resistant barrier to protect the base material. This helps the shingles to last a long time in outdoor conditions. Fiberglass shingles are lighter and stronger than organic shingles. However, organic shingles tend to perform better in colder conditions. Since organic shingles are heavier, they also tend to stand up better to storm winds.

How Long Do Asphalt Shingles Last

Asphalt shingles have come a long way. With newer manufacturing processes, asphalt shingles now have a much longer life than they used to. Depending on a variety of factors, you can expect to get anywhere from 10-30 years from an asphalt shingle roof. The following factors may impact the life of asphalt shingles:

• The quality of the shingles
• The weather conditions to which they are exposed
• The skill and care with which they are installed
• How well the homeowner maintains the roof

Maintenance is the only factor the homeowner is going to have control over in most situations. For the most part, regular inspections are the key to maintaining an asphalt shingle roof. You should inspect your roof for damage or deterioration at least once a year and after any significant weather event. You may also want to consider professional inspections once every 3-5 years. Cleaning your gutters is another step that can help to prevent damage to the roof.

With regular inspections, you can catch small issues before they turn into serious problems. One of the great things about an asphalt shingle roof is that you can make small repairs and replace shingles as they are needed. By staying on top of these smaller issues, you can guarantee a longer life for your roof.

Cinergy Homes is the team for all of your roof repair and replacement needs. Contact us today and we can come to your house to perform and inspection and give you a free estimate for the cost of the project.

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